
Every effort has been made to accurately display our products online. However, actual colors may vary slightly due to the variations of the different types of screens used to view the product. But rest assured, DDI products are so life-like they’ve actually been watered by mistake.

Submit Your Photography

You’re invited to submit high-quality photographs of your interior design projects whenever Distinctive Designs florals, plants, or trees are featured prominently. Submit high-resolution photographs to, and tell us a little about your photo, such as the name and location of your project (e.g. Smith residence, Scottsdale, AZ), your name, company name, city, state, and the DDI stock numbers used (if known).

We’ll provide attribution if we use your photos on our website, in social media, or in other DDI branded media, and we will award you with a special coupon to use on your next DDI order.

Please do not add text or logos to the images. We will add attribution in the form of a text overlay. Please tell us how you would like to credited, using as few characters as possible. For example: You can use your name or company name (Jane Doe Interiors, St. Louis, MO), your website (, a social media account or hashtag (#janedoeinteriors), etc.

You must own the copyright to any photograph submitted. Additionally, you will retain copyright ownership to every photograph submitted while granting unfettered use by Distinctive Designs International, Inc.

"Stylist" photographs are close-ups of a floral on any surface with appropriate surrounding props that promote style and size reference.

"Architectural" photography refers to wider room shots required to show large florals, floor plants, and trees, or multiple botanicals within a room setting.

Professional photography of either photo style is welcome.

Copyright © Distinctive Designs International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.