Waterlook® is our exclusive trademarked process for achieving the illusion of fresh-cut flowers in water. Each Waterlook® arrangement is handcrafted by our team of artisans in our in-house studio. Waterlook® stays clear and resists discoloring indefinitely. It has the same refraction as clear standing water, so submerged stems exhibit the same slight magnification as real water.
The process of making Waterlook® is an art form in and of itself. It takes several days to create and hand pour Waterlook®. Each artisan has years of experience. Each pour and step of the process is meticulously inspected to meet our high-quality standards. Only the best will be accepted and become an official Waterlook® product.
Waterlook® cures to a solid, smooth, and non-sticky finish so dust does not adhere to its surface. Cleaning Waterlook® is easy. Simply use a duster, wet wipe, or hair dryer on cool setting.
Treat Waterlook® florals the same as you would fresh flower arrangements. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or extremes of heat or cold. Exposure to intense UV rays can cause eventual discoloration of any clear polymer.
Waterlook® is a registered trademark of Distinctive Designs International, Inc. The phrase “The illusion of fresh-cut flowers in water” is a trademark of Distincetive Designs International, Inc.
Official Waterlook® products are available on our website to approved wholesale accounts and from select retailers.
View our entire line of Waterlook® flower arrangements at https://www.distinctivedesigns.com/waterlook.html.